Rudolf Dudler - GMT Fine Chemicals SA

Rudolf Dudler


After his studies and various work experiences in insurance, finance and industry, he joined BSI SA (today EFG AG) in April 1986 and worked there until his retirement in December 2016.

During his years of service, he occupied different functions in various departments and was CFO for the last 17 years. He was also part of the General Management Team.

After his retirement at BSI SA, he has been representing EFG AG as a Board Member in several affiliates.

He joined GMT Fine Chemicals SA in January 2017 and became Board Member, today he is Vice-Chairman of the Board.

Other functions related to Cerbios Pharma

  1. Chairman of the Board of Chemholding SA
  2. Vice-Chairman of the Board of Cerbios-Pharma SA
  3. Vice-Chairman of the Board of Phargentis SA
  4. Member of the Board of Immobiliare Pharmapark SA

Functions not related to Cerbios Pharma

He is also Board Member and / or Chairman of various companies in Consumer Finance, Real Estate and the Art Business.

Additionally, he is a Member of the Fondazione Pro Venezia, a Foundation created by the Swiss Federal Government.